2022 in Assessment Sysems
The Year 2022 in Numbers
Thank you for making a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of our company through your work! It is mainly thanks to your high degree of professionalism that we are able to achieve all our goals together.

The year 2022 was a turning point and challenging in every way. We just got rid of the Covid pandemic, war came and last but not least, global inflation of unprecedented proportions.
This time has shown that what really matters is people and their potential. Despite all the obstacles, our company, Assessment Systems, has continued to make every effort to deliver the best in human potential selection and development during these times. We have worked with you to discover the hidden talents in your companies, helping you to discover their strengths and weaknesses, and to develop or work with them.
Hogan reports
xRT reports
AS360 reports
Hogan feedbacks
AC/DC feedbacks
People in Employee Assisstance Programme
And how was the year 2022 in numbers?
Hogan Diagnostics
- 12.500 Hogan reports
- 2.300 xRT reports
- 1.400 AS360 reports
- 700 Hogan feedbacks
- 220 AC/DC feedbacks
- 178 AS360 feedbacks
We did
- Hogan Certification training for 108 participants in 9 languages
- 272 Coaching hours
- 214 AC/DC reports
- 70k + people in Employee Assistance Program
- 7,42% Utilization
Knowledge management
- 20 Internal Knowledge Management Trainings
- 3 New e-Learning programmes